Thursday, April 30, 2020


Estamos a rever Apocalypse Now - Final Cut, realizado em 1979 por Francis Ford Coppola.
Ontem chegámos a cerca de 1/3 do final desta nova versão, apresentada há poucos meses nos cinemas.

Hoje, deu-se o acaso de ser publicado no Washington Post um artigo - Vietnam offers tough lessons for U.S. on coronavirus. Como, provavelmente, o acesso está limitado, transcrevo alguns períodos desse artigo.

"The United States passed a tragic milestone this week in its novel coronavirus outbreak. Less than three months after the first case was confirmed on U.S. soil, more lives have now been lost in the United States from the pandemic than the 58,220 Americans who died over nearly two decades of fighting during the Vietnam War. 
Coincidentally, the fall of Saigon 45 years ago this Thursday ended that conflict. But despite these milestones, in Vietnam many are focused on a very different marker: According to official figures, the country has recorded no new cases of domestic transmission of coronavirus in almost two weeks."
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