Saturday, May 16, 2009


A primeira página do Expresso não poderia ser mais expressiva do panorama de águas turvas em que se movem as investigações do caso "Freeport" e da imagem anedótica com que a Justiça se deixa fotografar perante a aparente indiferença dos seus agentes.
R Costa, director-adjunto do semanário, transcreve, a propósito da entrevista a Hugo Monteiro, a resposta dada por Cândida Almeida à pergunta: "Já localizaram o primo do primeiro- ministro?"
"- Sim, sabemos onde está."
"- E pode dizer-nos onde?"
"- Não posso, senão ele foge."
Se este é o método dos manuais de investigação do Ministério Público, é bem possível que ele esclareça as razões porque o senhor PGR não suspende o Magistrado Lopes da Mota enquanto não for conhecido o resultado do processo disciplinar em curso.
- Porquê, sr. PGR?
- Porque ele poderia fugir.
- E, para onde, sr. PGR?
- Para China, para onde poderia ser?
António Barreto


A Chata said...

Como será que os nossos passariam numa investigação destas?

Criminal investigations into MPs' expenses 'will take years', Lord Falconer says

MPs who have abused the Commons expenses system will face criminal investigations that will last at least two years, the former Lord Chancellor has admitted.

By Andrew Porter, Political Editor
Last Updated: 3:36PM BST 17 May 2009

Lord Falconer warned that that fall-out from Daily Telegraph's disclosures could stretch well beyond the next general election as police carry out exhaustive investigations into MPs who might have broken the law.

Lord Falconer, who was Lord Chancellor under Tony Blair, said: "I think what is now going to happen is that the police will investigate.
"That investigation will take time. If there are prosecutions, the trials will take time.
"This is an issue that is going to be with us not just when The Daily Telegraph stop running their stories or the publication of invoices takes place in July, it is going to be with us for 18 months or two years."

Só alguns exemplos:

MPs' expenses: The Telegraph's investigation, The Expenses Files, into how politicians - from Gordon Brown's Cabinet to backbenchers of all parties - exploit the system of parliamentary allowances to subsidise their lifestyles and multiple homes.

Ian McCartney claimed for champagne flutes and £700 table and chairs.

Ian McCartney, the former Labour Party chairman, spent £16,000 furnishing and decorating his designated second home but paid the money back two years later.

David Clelland, a Labour MP who tried to block disclosure of MPs’ second-home spending, claimed on expenses for the cost of “buying out” his partner’s £45,000 stake in his London flat.

Greg Knight: MP's driveway repairs on expenses
Greg Knight, an MP with a collection of classic cars, claimed £2,600 in expenses for repair work on the driveway at his designated second home as part of a £21,793 bill to the taxpayer for maintenance and security.

Quem quer ser o Daily Telegraph português?

Rui Fonseca said...

"Quem quer ser o Daily Telegraph português?"

Já temos vários.

O problema é que a falta de vergonha é ainda mais variada.

E não passa nada. Quer dizer, passa tudo.