Saturday, January 03, 2009


$2 Trillion Increase May Test Federal Ability to Borrow

For now, investors are frantically stuffing money into the relative safety of the U.S. Treasury, which has come to serve as the world's mattress in troubled times. Interest rates on Treasury bills have plummeted to historic lows, with some short-term investors literally giving the government money for free.

But about 40 percent of the debt held by private investors will mature in a year or less, according to Treasury officials. When those loans come due, the Treasury will have to borrow more money to repay them, even as it launches perhaps the most aggressive expansion of U.S. debt in modern history.

With the government planning to roll over its short-term loans into more stable, long-term securities, experts say investors are likely to demand a greater return on their money, saddling taxpayers with huge new interest payments for years to come. Some analysts also worry that foreign investors, the largest U.S. creditors, may prove unable to absorb the skyrocketing debt, undermining confidence in the United States as the bedrock of the global financial system.


A Chata said...

E A Dívida Portuguesa. A Dívida Inglesa, A Dívida Grega, A Dívida Italiana,...

Ainda consegue dizer que eu estou pessimista?

Rui Fonseca said...

Cara Amiga,

No artigo em questão encontra parte da resposta:

"The United States is in relatively good financial shape compared with other industrial nations, such as Japan, where the public debt equaled 182 percent of GDP in 2007, or Germany, where the debt was 65 percent of GDP, according to a forthcoming report by Scott Lilly, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. "

A divida pública portuguesa deverá
andar agora pelos 68% do PIB. Mais grave, contudo, é a dívida externa, pública e privada, que supera já largamente o PIB.

Mais preocupante que o montante da dívida é a sua evolução e a (in)capacidade para a pagar.

Temos neste capítulo um problema gordo, não há dúvida.

Mais dia menos dia, alguma coisa desagradável acontece.

Provavelmente, também eu devo estar também pessimista esta tarde.(Ponto de vista optimista)

A Chata said...

Tenho que pedir-lhe desculpa por estar a 'despejar' aqui as minhas agonias perante as perspectivas de futuro e, logo, no inicio de um novo ano quando devia estar a trocar votos de felicidade.

Desde já agradeço a sua paciência e espero que o novo ano lhe traga tudo de bom.