Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Standard & Poor’s ameaça reduzir "rating" português
A agência internacional de notação financeira Standard & Poor’s anunciou hoje que colocou o "rating" atribuído à República portuguesa em situação de alerta “com pendor negativo”.

1 comment:

A Chata said...

Anime-se Rui.

Talvez o problema seja andarmos a beber muito café.

Three cups of brewed coffee a day 'triples risk of hallucinations'

Drinking just three cups of brewed coffee a day can triple the chances of suffering from hallucinations, researchers at Durham University have found.

By Kate Devlin, Medical Correspondent
Last Updated: 1:20PM GMT 13 Jan 2009
Even moderate amounts of the stimulant can lead people to hear voices and see things that are not there, the researchers warn.
Simon Jones, from Durham University, who led the study, said: "Some people have hallucinations which they find frightening, others say they often hear voices and it does not appear to affect their everyday lives.

Um dia de cada vez e uma gargalhada de vez em quando...