Phoenix Mission Team, NASA, JPL-Caltech, U. Arizona, Texas A&M University
Explanation: Compare these two close-up pictures taken on sol 20 (left) and sol 24 of a trench dug in the Martian surface by NASA's Phoenix Lander. Those sols of the Phoenix Mission (a sol is a Martian day), correspond to June 15 and 18 on planet Earth. Light-colored, dice-sized chunks, visible in the lower left shadow region of the trench in the sol 20 image have vanished by sol 24 -- a strong indication that the chunks were ice uncovered by digging the shallow trench. The vanishing act likely demonstrates the sublimation of ice in the trench, a process similar to evaporation, in which the ice went directly from solid to gas after it was exposed to sunlight and the thin, dry Martian atmosphere.
Explanation: Compare these two close-up pictures taken on sol 20 (left) and sol 24 of a trench dug in the Martian surface by NASA's Phoenix Lander. Those sols of the Phoenix Mission (a sol is a Martian day), correspond to June 15 and 18 on planet Earth. Light-colored, dice-sized chunks, visible in the lower left shadow region of the trench in the sol 20 image have vanished by sol 24 -- a strong indication that the chunks were ice uncovered by digging the shallow trench. The vanishing act likely demonstrates the sublimation of ice in the trench, a process similar to evaporation, in which the ice went directly from solid to gas after it was exposed to sunlight and the thin, dry Martian atmosphere.
Já estragámos um, agora estamos a tentar ir estragar o próximo...
Nao concordo consigo, Cara Amiga, quanto a este ponto.
Ha aspectos negativos na aventura da actividade cientifica da humanidade? Claro que ha.
Mas nem a curiosidade humana pode ser estancada nem o imobilismo serve a condicao humana.
Com muita simplicidade, era o que dizia Antonio Aleixo:
"Quem prende o ribeirinho que corre
É por si mesmo enganado.
O ribeirinho não morre,
Vai correr por outro lado."
Estava a brincar. Uma piada azeda a condizer com os dias que correm.
Concordo completamente consigo, a curiosidade, o desejo de entender o que o rodeia é o caracteriza fundamentalmente a espécie humana e reprimir isso seria a nossa destruição.
Não ligue! Hoje estou, como dizia a minha avó, 'com a macaca' (não me pergunte de onde vem a expressão) ou seja, nervosa e revoltada com as noticias que leio.
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