Tuesday, January 03, 2023


menos de três meses coloquei neste caderno de apontamentos este apontamento ACERCA DO ARSENAL NUCLEAR MUNDIAL

Hoje retiro do The Economist informação mais actualizada e amedrontadora. Se insisto neste tema é porque me espanta que ele seja submergido em todo o lado por assuntos, alguns, sem dúvida, relevantes, mas que o não são tanto para o futuro do condomínio fechado em que a espécie nasce, cresce e vai morrendo sem se aperceber que pode desaparecer de um momento para o outro por autodestruição global.

 "The world is entering a new nuclear age”—an old fear returns

CHINA’S ARSENAL of nuclear weapons has swiftly expanded; it is now roughly the size of Russia’s and America’s. That will make for a different—and far trickier—landscape of three-way deterrence. - c/p The Economist

How will America deal with three-way nuclear deterrence? It risks a new arms race, not only against Russia but also against China


| Washington, DC

THE LANKY Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile and its squat naval cousin, Trident, stand sentinel near Omaha, outside the headquarters of America’s Strategic Command, which is in charge of America’s fearsome nuclear arsenal. Inside, STRATCOM’s personnel say they have been at “battle stations” since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, watching for any sign that Vladimir Putin might act on his threats to use nukes. For Admiral Charles Richard, the commander, the war in Ukraine marks a new era in which big powers use nuclear weapons to coerce rivals. But “this is just the warm-up,” he declared on November 3rd. “The big one is coming. And it isn’t going to be very long before we’re going to get tested.”

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