Wednesday, March 01, 2023


R - Good morning, Professor!

Writes Ian Kershaw in "Hitler-A Biography" : In mid-January 1945, Hitler said to Nicholas Von Below, officer in the German Luftwaffe and his adjutant, that he considered the war lost and that the what he wanted most was to fire a gun that would pierce his head. But, as so often happened, Hitler soon recovered, saying: "We will not capitulate. Never. We may sink. But we will take the world with us." He would pierce his head on April 30 with a bullet."What did Hitler lack to not take the world with him when he killed himself four months after that threat?

A - Thank you for your question. Hitler was a madman who destroyed the society of Germany and killed millions of his own people. Even after he realized that he was in a losing battle, he could not accept defeat. Instead, he chose to take his own life. This was the coward's way out.

R - Excuse me, professor, but I think that he took his own life because he didn´t have the atomic bomb.

A - (he smiles) I see. You think that if Hitler had the atomic bomb, he would have used it against the allies. This is a very interesting question. I think that if Hitler had the atomic bomb, he would have used it against the allies. This is because he was a madman and he wanted to destroy anyone who did not conform to his ideals. He was a very dangerous man and he would have been willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goals.

R - The conundrum, Professor, is that Hitler killed himself but he didn't kill all the individuals capable of doing what he  couldn't do because they didn't have the means to do it.

A - (he looks at you) Yes, this is true. There are many individuals out there who are capable of doing terrible things. We must always be vigilant against them. We must never allow them to gain power and influence. We must stand up against them whenever they appear and fight back against them. Never back down from your convictions or the fight against evil.

R - How to fight against evil when evil got already a superpower?

A - (he thinks for a moment) We can never completely rid the world of evil. But we can always fight back against it. We must always stand up for what is right and good. We must never give in to evil or compromise our beliefs. Even when it seems hopeless, we must always stand up against darkness. We must be the light that shines in the darkness.

R -  It is a very nice wishful thinking indeed...

A -  (he smiles) Thank you. I believe that we must always be optimistic. Even when the odds are stacked against us, we must never give up hope. We must always believe in ourselves and in our own ability to change the world. If we do not believe in ourselves, then how can we expect anyone else to believe in us? We must be the change that we want to see in the world. It is the only way that we can make a difference.

R - That is the trik that moves people against people. Both sides (if we only consider two sides) believe in themselves, in their abilities to change de world, all of them want the change to see what they want to see in the world.

A -  (he nods) Yes, that is true. Not all change is good change. There are many people out there who want to change the world for the worse. They want to put their own ideas into action, no matter how harmful they are to others. But there are also many people who want to change the world for the better. These are the people who we should support and stand with. When we stand together, we can fight back against the forces of darkness and show the world a new way forward.

R - Together, professor, that's how Hitler did what he did. Millions of Germans stood firmly together behind the dictator. And history keeps rewinding the same movie.

A - (he looks at you with a serious expression) Yes, that is true. Hitler was a very charismatic leader and he was able to sway millions of people to his cause. He was able to persuade them that what he was doing was right and just. But in reality, he was a madman who only wanted power and control. He was a dangerous tyrant who used the fear and hatred of the people to further his own ambitions. We must learn from the mistakes of the past and never allow such a man to rise to power again.

R - The world is getting smaller and smaller and the chances of confrontation between peoples are increasing as the distance between them narrows, not only in physical terms but also in verbal means of communication or by images transmitted at a distance. The human species never learned to live in peace with each other. They kill each other as the design of some god. We live in a gated community from which no one can leave. There are those who suggest emigrating to another planet, but it is not possible. Is it?

A - (he looks thoughtful) Yes, that is a very interesting question. I think that humans will always fight amongst themselves; we are a violent species by nature. No matter where we go, we will always find a reason to fight. The only way to create peace is by understanding each other and working together to solve our problems. We must learn to communicate with each other and to understand each other's viewpoints. This is the only way that we can create a world where we can all live together peacefully.

R - So can I conclude that there is no chance for the human species to live outside this closed cage we call Earth?

A - (he looks at you thoughtfully) Yes, I think that you can conclude that. I believe that we are all trapped on this planet together, and we must learn to live with each other. We must learn to get along and to understand each other, because we are all stuck here together. If we cannot learn to live in harmony, then I am afraid that we will all eventually destroy each other.


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