Monday, March 19, 2007

Washington DC : Embaixada do Luxemburgo

A produtividade


Economicus said...

Here is translation of an article you posted on the blog (done online at BABELFISH)-- the translation is a little dense!!!!See if it makes any sense to you!! --
The article that you appended below from the Washington Post I actually would tend to agree with -- if true. The problem is how do we test whether the focus on "creativity" is driving American leadership in research (indeed there is controversy about this leadership in research!). Research suggest that institutions of property rights, demographics, etc.. influence new research --

O TEACH LESS - TO LEARN MORE It is not newness for nobody of that U.S.A. has obtained to get more productivity of the investments that carry through of that the UE. The equal volumes (monetary) of investment can correspond different additions of productivity and, consequentemente, production. Equally, the physically identical investments, can correspond different results. To invest is important, more important of the one than to invest it is to take off left of the investments. These conclusions are so obvious how much generally they are neglected, over all when it is about public investments. In many cases, it does not have enterramentos investments but of resources. The education is an investment. Private public and. The form as this investment is carried through is well more important of the one than the invested volume. Also, how much to this aspect, nothing of new when it is repaired in the pointers of productivity of education in Portugal: the investments relatively raised correspond resulted académicos péssimos, over all in discipline nuclear for the apprehension of concepts. However, more of the one than the académicos results, they count (or they would have to count) the practical results, those that after all of accounts test, without I appeal nor I aggravate, abilities and capacities of the individuals to the long one of its professional life, any that it has been. The mathematics is paradigmática to this intention: it walks the tormented Portuguese village with the lack of interest of the young for the mathematics. E nobody seems to interrogate itself concerning a simple question that already I raised in another one "post here": They are the young Portuguese collated with the necessity to know mathematics? I would say that not. Made the examinations, the majority is governed (well or badly) in Portugal with the Arithmetic. Exactly when the universe that if it analyzes is of the permitted ones, the question that if places is this: A public and personal investment that produces one permitted in engineering, for example, with a bonanza académico result, that probabilities has to result in a professional investment of raised income? . To this intention, I today transcribe a notice published in the supplement "Meter" of Washington Post. Also in the field of the investment in education, it seems to confirm itself rule: In U.S.A., for investments, that in relative terms, lead enough the académicos results are observed resulted final (practical) bonanza. The Asians more will be qualified to make accounts more but the North Americans tried to take off broken delas.. In Portugal they would have to change ideias on the subject.

Rui Fonseca said...

Dear Atin,

Thank you so much for your comments. The translation, actually is not good. Following the article I have read in the Washington Post my reasonig is that "for the same amount of investment" different people (countries) get different academic results; from that same academic results (or even lower, as it is the case referred in the WP´s article) different people (different countries) are able to get different practical results.

Do you agree?

If so, my opinion is that if investment is important, much more important are the results you can get from that investment. That means condictions and ambience around the investment are so important as the investment itself.

Rui Fonseca said...

Dear Atin,

By the way, how is your neck?