Tuesday, February 26, 2008


O miserabilismo de algumas políticas salariais em Portugal já vem de longe e não se extinguiu com três décadas de regime democrático. A prática das horas extraordinárias, por exemplo, como complemento salarial é ainda frequente em muitas instituições e empresas do Estado. Ainda há dias, António Costa, referia em entrevista dada à RTP 1, que tinha sido obrigado a reduzir as horas extraordinárias em consequência do chumbo (provisório, supõe-se) do Tribunal de Contas ao empréstimo de longo prazo necessário para a Câmara de Lisboa pagar a quem deve. E lamentava porque, dizia ele, sabia bem o rombo que essas verbas faziam nos orçamentos familiares de muita gente. As horas extraordinárias, portanto, não encontram muitas vezes justificação na ocorrência extraordinária de picos nos volumes de trabalho a realizar mas na prática corrente de complementar a magreza dos salários. A franqueza de António Costa, naquele ponto, é bem sintomática da forma como se faz a gestão dos dinheiros públicos em Portugal.
Outra forma de desrespeitar as tabelas salariais na administração pública são as promoções por antiguidade a postos de chefia sem subordinados.
Em qualquer dos casos, ultrapassam-se os critérios de equidade em que é pressuposto assentarem as tabelas salariais, porque as concessões avulsas dependem da maior ou menor magninimidade e discricionariedade das chefias, e subvertem-se todos os parâmetros de avaliação da eficiência dos serviços porque os seus custos estão mascarados por práticas que não decorrem de exigências de gestão desses mesmos serviços.
A gestão do faz-de-conta não é gestão é congestão.

1 comment:

António said...

Fora do contexto, mas...

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As we enjoy a short break in the primaries, the candidates prepare for Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas and Vermont next Tuesday.

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February 26, 2008
Nader Running for President
Posted by Catherine Morgan on the Care2 Election2008 Blog on 02/24

Ralph Nader announces he will run for president.

Associated Press - Ralph Nader said Sunday he will run for president as a third-party candidate, criticizing the top White House contenders as too close to big business and pledging to repeat a bid that will "shift the power from the few to the many."

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Back when Nader was first contemplating a presidential run, we asked you all to express your opinion in a Care2 poll, and the results were pretty clear - most of you didn't want him to run.

43% of you said he should NOT run, and only 15% of you said he should. a whopping 38% of you left comments, and you can see a sampling of those comments on this blog post. If you're passionate enough about Nader not running, you can sign this petition from a Care2 member, which has been getting some very interesting comments.

What do you think? Comment on the Election2008 Blog post about Nader.

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Action of the Week

Stand Firm Against the Privacy-Violating National ID Card
The federal effort to create a national identity card would take us one step closer to a surveillance society, erode our right to privacy, and put our personal information at risk!

Governors in five states courageously rejected this invasive law and the dramatic tax increases required to pay its massive price tag last year. If these states stand their ground, Congress will be forced to repeal this horrible program!

Thank the Governors who’ve stood up against the national ID card AND ASK THEM TO KEEP UP THE FIGHT.
Multimedia Feature of the Week
Nader Announces He Will Run For President

Despite many Democrats urging him to stay out of the race, Ralph Nader announced on Meet The Press that he will indeed run for president, presumably as an independent this time instead of a Green Party candidate.

Nader said Americans are disenchanted with the Republican and Democratic candidates, and that he will offer an alternative.

Watch the video on Care2 Election2008 >>


Environment: Wind Farming in Texas
Posted by Catherine Morgan on the Care2 Election2008 Blog on 02/25

Finding methods of alternative energy is one of the most important environmental tasks facing our country. So it is interesting (and a bit ironic) that wind farming is sprouting up on the oil fields of Texas.

The Care2 News Network reported on this story from an article in The New York Times - Move Over, Oil There's Money in The Texas Wind

Here are some excerpts from the article...

Texas, once the oil capital of North America, is rapidly turning into the capital of wind power. After breakneck growth the last three years, Texas has reached the point that more than 3 percent of its electricity, enough to supply power to one million homes, comes from wind turbines.
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