Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 "Comissão Europeia não renovará contratos com AstraZeneca e Johnson & Johnson - aqui


Para quem ainda não foi vacinado ou foi vacinado com a AstraZeneca ( a notícia nada diz sobre a Johnson & Johnson que irá chegar a Portugal), a notícia é, no mínimo, desconfortável.

A Comissão Europeia decidiu não renovar os contratos de fornecimento de vacinas com a AstraZeneca e com a Johnson & Johnson, noticiou o diário italiano La Stampa esta quarta-feira, citando uma fonte do Ministério da Saúde italiano.

"A Comissão Europeia, em acordo com os líderes de vários países europeus, decidiu que os contratos com as fabricantes de vacinas com vector viral que são válidos para este ano não serão renovados quando expirarem", escreve o jornal italiano.

Bruxelas vai optar por vacinas que usam tecnologia de mRNA, como a da Pfizer/BioNTech e a da Moderna.

A Comissão Europeia está, neste momento, a aguardar explicação da Johnson & Johnson sobre o "absolutamente inesperado" anúncio sobre um atraso nas entregas de vacinas na Europa, adiantou fonte oficial à agência Reuters. "


Why Biden health officials decided to pause J&J’s coronavirus vaccine - aqui

Their goal was to protect the public and be transparent, but critics worry they overreacted and might undermine vaccine confidence

When top Biden administration health officials gathered on a Zoom call Monday night, they knew they faced a difficult decision. Six women in the United States had developed extremely rare but potentially life-threatening blood clots after getting the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine — a problem with disturbing parallels to the one in Europe linked to AstraZeneca’s vaccine.

Initially, some suggested the government could just issue a warning to consumers and doctors. They didn’t want to undermine confidence in vaccines given the danger of covid-19. But as they talked, two big worries emerged. They feared there might be additional cases of brain blood clots they didn’t know about. And what if the government didn’t act quickly, and as a result more people got the wrong diagnosis and treatment and were hurt or died?

Their unanimous agreement to recommend a pause in using the J&J single-shot vaccine early Tuesday morning set off a fierce debate. Critics suggested they were overreacting, predicting the result would be fewer people getting vaccinated and more dying of covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Others praised the federal officials for acting quickly on their concerns — especially since the conventional treatment with anticoagulant drugs can have serious harm. The argument suggested there are no easy answers in a pandemic that has posed one excruciating challenge after another.


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