Saturday, December 09, 2023


“Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa on Tuesday.
“Except for day one,” Trump responded. Trump said on the “day one” he referred to, he would use his presidential powers to close the southern border with Mexico and expand oil drilling. - Trump says he will be a dictator only on ‘day one’ if elected president
Foi assim, o mais despudoradamente possível, que Trump anunciou à América que será, se for eleito para um segundo mandato, ditador apenas no primeiro dia.
Nesse dia, diz ele, encerrará a fronteira com o México e começará a expandir a procura de petróleo.
Tudo às claras, tudo directo, tudo descaradamente frontal.
A assistência, obviamente trumpistas fanáticos, fica exponencialmente excitada com as ameaças, as invectivas, os insultos, tudo o que Trump atira para quem o idolatra, diga o que o seu herói disser mesmo que atire as maiores barbaridades contra a Constituição e as instituições do Estado.
 A economia norte-americana atravessa um bom momento, o que, normalmente seria condição necessária e suficiente para garantir ao incumbente na presidência a renovação do mandato.
Agora não.
Trump tem a brutalidade no discurso que concentra todas as frustações, todas as crenças, designios opostos, ambições de sinais contrários, porque os ventos dos populismos voltaram a soprar de diversos quadrantes varrendo os valores democráticos que nos tínhamos habituado tomar como referentes de segurança da convivência entre povos de consciência adulta e livre.

O texto, que transcrevo a seguir, publicado anteontem no Washington Post, da autoria do editor principal do jornal, é sintomático do desnorte que a persistente revoada de agitações que as intervenções públicas de Trump e dos seus seguidores provocam numa democracia que se supunha imune às crises comuns nos jovens ou adolescentes.
Biden recandidata-se para não oferecer a Trump o trunfo que ele mais desejaria, o de falta de comparência. Deste modo, do lado democrata os dados são conhcidos.
Resta aos norte-americanos descortinar como barrar Trump e impedir que uma nuvem de populismo desenfreado lhe dê a possibilidade de semear a confusão para trair os valores que consolidaram a mais antiga e robusta democracia do mundo. 
A via mais óbvia parece ser a conjunção num só opositor republicano a Trump de todos os candidatos republicanos contrários à recandidatura de Trump. Mais óbvia, mas de sucesso pouco provável considerando a incomensurável dimensão do lugar a concurso.

Para a União Europeia os resultados presidenciais nos EUA, no dia 5 de Novembro serão, como nunca antes, decisivos do seu futuro. 
É nos EUA que se forja a conspiração de Trump contra a Europa. Com toda a transparência, ainda que pouca gente veja.

The Trump dictatorship: How to stop it 

By - Editor at large . December 7, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EST

sexta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2023

A Trump win would change the world Were he to return to the White House, the implications for the US, its allies and the global economy are sure to be profound
On November 19 1919, the US Senate repudiated the Versailles Treaty. With that decision, the US withdrew its might from maintaining what had been agreed in the aftermath of the first world war, leaving this task to the British and French, who lacked both the will and the means to do so. The second world war followed. After that conflict, the US played a far more productive role. Today, the world is still in many ways the one the US made. But for how much longer will that be the case? And what might follow it? The outcome of the next presidential election might answer these questions, not just decisively, but, alas, very badly. Recent polls suggest that almost 55 per cent of US voters disapprove of Joe Biden’s performance. They also suggest that Trump is slightly ahead of Biden in head-to-head polling before the election now a year away. Finally, they suggest that Trump is ahead of Biden in five of the six most important “battleground” states. In all, a Trump victory is clearly and disturbingly plausible. What would that mean? The most important answer is that the US, not just the world’s most powerful democracy, but its saviour in the 20th century, is no longer committed to democratic norms. The most fundamental of such norms is that power has to be won in free and fair elections. Whether US presidential elections are “fair” is debatable. But they do have rules. Efforts by the incumbent to overthrow those rules amount to insurrection. That Trump attempted to do so is not debatable. Neither is the absence of evidence of fraud to support his attempted coup. He is properly under indictment. Yet he might still win a presidential election. One reason why he might do so is that close to 70 per cent of people who identify as Republicans say they believe his lies. This is shocking, though, alas, not that surprising. What would another Trump presidency mean for the US, beyond an endorsement of a man who attempted to overthrow the constitution? Obviously, the answer would depend partly on the balance in Congress. Yet it would be wrong to draw additional comfort from how he behaved last time. Then he relied on quite traditional figures from the military and business. Next time will be different. “Maga” is now a cult with a sizeable number of believers. A crucial domestic plan of Trump’s is to replace the career civil service with loyal servants of the president. The excuse is the alleged existence of a “deep state”, by which critics mean knowledgeable career civil servants whose loyalty is to the law and the state, not to the person in power. One reason this is objectionable is that modern government cannot run without such people. The bigger reason is that if the intelligence, homeland security and internal revenue services, the military, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice are subservient to the whims of the head of state, one has autocracy. Yes, it’s that simple. With a vengeful head of state, abuses of power could be pervasive. This would not be the US we have known. It might be more like Viktor Orbán’s Hungary or even Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Turkey. Line chart of Per cent of US voters saying that Joe Biden won due to voter fraud (total and by party affiliation) showing Voters are deeply divided over who won the 2020 presidential election What might this mean for the world? Most obviously, embrace by the US of a man and a party that have openly repudiated the central norm of liberal democracy would dishearten those who believe in it and encourage despots and their lackeys everywhere. It is hard to exaggerate the effect of such a betrayal by the US. The mixture of this despair with Trump’s avowedly transactional approach would weaken, if not destroy, the trust on which current US alliances are based. Americans are right to decry the freeriding of most allies. There is no doubt, above all, that Europeans (among which the UK is included) must do more. But the alliance needs a leader. For the foreseeable future, the US has to be that leader. With Russia threatening Europe, and China a peer competitor, alliances are going to be more important than ever — not just for its allies, but for the US, too. Trump neither understands nor cares about this. Line chart of Share of global GDP* (%) showing The purchasing power of China’s GDP is bigger than that of the US or EU but remains far smaller than those of both together Then there are the implications for the world economy. Trump is proposing to introduce a 10 per cent across-the-board tariff on all imports. This would be a contemporary (albeit milder) version of the infamous Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930. It would surely lead to retaliation. It would also do huge damage to the World Trade Organization, by repudiating US commitments to lower tariff barriers over many decades. As important is likely to be the impact on efforts to tackle climate change. The US itself would presumably reverse many measures in Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. As significant might be a likely US withdrawal from efforts to promote investment in clean energy in emerging and developing countries. Line chart of Share of global trade in goods* (exports plus imports, %) showing China now trades more than the US or EU but less than both together Prospective relations with China must also be in question. Here the changes might not be that dramatic, because hostility to China’s rise is bipartisan. But the opposition to China would be less about ideology under Trump, who cares not a whit about such differences between autocracies and democracies. He rather prefers the former. It would become just a contest over power, with Trump trying to keep the US number one. How differently that would turn out is unclear. Trump might seek to turn Russia against China, as Nixon did China against the Soviet Union. Abandonment of Ukraine might be his bait. One Must-Read This article was featured in the One Must-Read newsletter, where we recommend one remarkable story each weekday. Sign up for the newsletter here A second Trump presidency might not ruin the US forever. But both it and the rest of the world would lose their innocence. We would have to adapt to the reality that the US had re-elected a man who had openly tried to subvert its democracy. It is possible that the indictments against Trump will save the day. But that fragile hope highlights today’s threat to democracy.

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